Who is EbMCsquared

Advancing health and well-being
for the benefit of humankind
EbMCsquared CIC is a non-profit, community interest company (CIC) dedicated to advancing health and well-being for the benefit of humankind. It realises this mission via the following initiatives:
- World Council for Health: A global coalition of health-focused and civil society groups that seeks to broaden public health knowledge and sense-making through science and shared wisdom.
- BiRD International: An initiative advocating for Ivermectin and other safe established medicines and supplements to be used to prevent and treat Covid around the world.
- Source: An online platform focused on sovereign empowerment for individuals and their communities, including health and well-being.
- World Ivermectin Day: An annual event raising awareness of Ivermectin as a safe, effective, repurposed drug, with presentations, case studies and community contributions from around the world. Two have been held so far in 2021 and 2022.
- Better Way Conference: An annual conference bringing together a global audience of hundreds of people in-person and thousands more online to explore solutions to some of the world’s most pressing issues.
Our Directors

Tess Lawrie, (MBBCh, PhD)
Tess established EbMCsquared CiC, a non-profit company, in March 2021 in response to the tremendous need for independent and objective health care research and provision, arising out of the Covid-19 health emergency. Since 2013, Tess has run Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, which specialises in providing evidence to underpin clinical practice guidelines. Her experience as a clinician and researcher in low, middle and high-income country settings informed her vision for EbMCsquared, promoting good health and wellbeing through the concept of ‘first, do no harm’.
Tess sits on the Steering Committee of the World Council for Health.

Mike Austin
Mike is a retired aircraft stress engineer who has worked in the UK, Germany and
Holland. He is chair of the trustees of the Lam Rim Bristol Buddhist Centre that
first opened in 1990. He also helped refurbish the building for use. The Centre
incorporates the Centre for Whole Health, offering complementary therapies
such as Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Reiki, Reflexology, Physiotherapy, Counselling
etc and courses in Massage, Shiatsu, Tai-Chi, Yoga etc. Together with meditation
and introductory evenings, the Centre provides for people’s health and wellbeing
on several levels.
Mike was Financial Director of Dharma Network Ltd who organised the visits of
His Holiness the Dalai Lama to teach in Glasgow in 2004 and in Nottingham in
2008. For several years, he helped organise visits of Tibetan doctors to give
consultations and talks at the Centre. Occasionally, he visits schools or hosts
school visits at the Centre. He was once an active representative in the Bristol
Inter Faith Group. Other activities include volunteer work at the University of
Bristol Botanic Garden. In October 2022, Mike was appointed as a director of the
World Council for Health.
One line from the Metta Sutta expresses Mike’s outlook: “May all beings be at

Christof Plothe D.O., (BSC. (OST), HONS, MRO)
Christof is an osteopath and author. Christof works in the field of integrative medicine, combining naturopathy, environmental medicine, and holistic dentistry with conventional medicine.
Christof completed two years of pre-clinical training at the medical faculty in Mainz, Germany, and then studied Osteopathy at the University of Wales in Kent, England. As an independent osteopath, he has worked for many years in Ireland, the United States, and Spain. He is the author and co-author of several books, studies, articles, national and international congresses, and a regular online speaker, with his primary medical topics shown on television, radio, and film. Nutrition and pre-and perinatal medicine, and psychology remain the focus of his work to this day. To integrate all of these approaches into osteopathy, he founded biophysical osteopathy. He has been researching nutrition for thirty years and is co-founder and CEO of Millivital GmbH, which aims to offer new concepts for developing natural food supplements based on food synergy and micro-fermentation. His online nutrition course with Ingo Lienemann (Vital-Life-Food) offers people a balanced and delicious concept based on the latest scientific knowledge. He is the founder of the vital-life-summit with international experts, which provides sustainable ideas to improve soil, nutrition, and the environment for humankind and all life forms on our planet. His main goal is to bring people back into cooperation with their environment to create a sustainable future for humans and our planet.
Christof sits on the Steering Committee of the World Council for Health.

Dr Mark Trozzi
A medical doctor, Dr Mark Trozzi has been practicing Emergency Medicine for the past twenty-five years. Graduating in 1990 from the University of Western Ontario, he is an Advanced Trauma Life Support professor with the College of Surgeons of America, and holds teaching positions at Sunnybrook Health Sciences in the Advanced Life Support Department, as well as with both Queen’s University and the University of Ottawa. On call in multiple emergency units during the Covid-19 pandemic, including an ER designated specifically for Covid-19, he now refuses to participate in practices he considers unethical and unscientific, that have been imposed by Covid-19 policies. He currently dedicates himself full-time to research, public education, and activism and is an active member of Take Action Canada and Canada Health Alliance. His written and video material can be found at www.drtrozzi.org.
Mark sits on the Steering Committee of the World Council for Health.

Shabnam Palesa Mohamed
Shabnam Palesa Mohamed is an award-winning activist, journalist (The People’s Voice and Trialsite News), mediation lawyer, and arts education advocate from South Africa.
On a country level, she is the founder-CEO of Transformative Health Justice, an NPC focused on safe, affordable and effective health care, as well as SA VAERS – which is an alternative and independent vaccine adverse effects reporting system, aimed at giving victims a voice and enhancing transparency and accountability.
On a continental level, she chairs the steering committee of Children’s Health Defense Africa, launched the African Coalition to Stop the Treaty (ACST), and co-founded the African Health Independence Solidarity Alliance (AHISA).
Internationally, she serves on the steering committee of World Council for Health, a health advocacy non-profit organization, for the people, by the people. She also co-chairs its Law and Activism Committee. She is committed to the WCH’s vision of creating a better way together.
How we research and evidence –
our research strands:

Evidence synthesis

Public education and awareness raising

Clinical trial protocols and supervision

Guideline development

Teaching videos and promotional material